The weather is always changing and it brings great joy to most people. The ability to be out in nature is a true gift and one that those in the United States love. It is getting to be the time of year when the temperature starts to lower and my heart begins to long to be outside. Many people get this feeling in summer, but I like to hike and be in the woods and that is very hard to do happily in the summer. So when fall hits my heart jumps. Some may find this a little controversial because I have a stoma. Yes, I had ostomy surgery for a big reason and it saved me. I now do have an extra thing to worry about and to prepare for when I go outside. It can be made to sound really complicated and even dangerous. The reality is that having a stoma is not that complicated. It takes a learning curve. Learning how to deal with your stoma is not fun at first but it is a quick learn.
Since we are all special and not all stomas are the same plan accordingly. What works for me may not work for you and your medical provider is the best place to start for information. We all have different issues and some need more specific answers. So when I learn a new piece of information I know that it may not work for me. I like to use specific ostomy bags and different sizes and materials for different occasions. My skin is rather sensitive and it has made me do a lot of research on how I can live a safe and clean life. It is important to put health first so I can then enjoy the outdoors. It does take some learning to be safe, but it is a learning curve. Once you have it down the learning doesn't need to be so steep. Keep searching for the best gear for you.
Don't live with old knowledge. Take the time to ask a new major online manufacturer up once in a while and see what is new or what they would suggest for say a hard hike. If you are in higher elevation see if they have any new materials that help the bag deal with changing pressure. If they don't have an answer, maybe your question will lead to some more research and new development being made. It is a win for everyone because we all benefit from it. I find that when these companies give advice they also back it up with samples for you to try. If it works well then you may have found a better way of being outside and for me that all comes down to trust. I learn a lot of new things and have found my life has been better for it.
Going hiking is fun and even it I do a very complicated and maybe even dangerous trail, the last thing I want to worry about is my ostomy bag and belt set up. I want to be focused on not falling off a mountain or slipping down the side of a cliff. I have been close to all of those scenarios and my ostomy gear was the last thing on my mind due to trust. Use what works for you and enjoy your hobbies.